‘The Interview’ Undeserving of Hype
FFCC member Michelle F. Solomon reviews The Interview, the movie that Sony Pictures pulled after threats. The following is an excerpt from her review.
Philip Seymour Hoffman Makes His Final Exit In ‘A Most Wanted Man’
FFCC member Michelle F. Solomon reviews A Most Wanted Man, Philip Seymour Hoffman’s final film prior to his death from an overdose in February. The following is an excerpt from her review.
Michelle Solomon
Publications: Local10.com, Local6.com, WJXT.com, WPBF.com, MiamiArtZine.com Twitter: @mfsolomon Email Michelle Michelle F. Solomon is a syndicated movie critic, whose reviews appear on 52 local television websites across the U.S. and Hawaii for Internet Broadcasting Systems. In Florida, her weekly reviews are on Local 10.com in Miami, Local 6.com in Orlando, WJXT.com in Jacksonville, and WPBF.com […]