FFCC members on ‘Logan Lucky’
FFCC members weigh in on Steven Soderbergh’s return to cinematic film making, the heist dramedy Logan Lucky
Bill Gibron, Film Racket
“In a Summer movie season that has suffered under the weight of unnecessary sequels and dying franchises, Logan Lucky is an original breath of fresh air. It’s an unexpected delight.”
Dan Hudak, Punch Drunk Movies
“Ample cameos (Hilary Swank, Seth MacFarlane, Dwight Yoakam and more) keep things fun, and darn if the aftermath doesn’t make you smile.”
Hans Morgenstern, Independent Ethos
“Logan Lucky proves you can make entertaining movies without reducing characters to stereotypes or quirks, and it makes for a strong return to theatrical movie-making by Soderbergh.”
Alfred Soto, Humanizing the Vacuum
“Too occupied with getting the jigsaw pieces to fit, Soderbergh blocks goon show episodes in Logan Lucky whose punch lines need an extra polish.”